Preparation Timeline - Patients with Diabetes
7 Days to Procedure
Stop Iron Tablets
6 Days to Procedure
Proceed as normal
5 Days to Procedure
Proceed as normal
4 Days to Procedure
Proceed as normal
3 Days to Procedure
Proceed as normal
2 Days to Procedure
No nuts or seeds and take a low residue diet ie no fruit or fibrous vegetables
Click here for a list of medications that should be stopped
1 Day to Procedure
Clear fluids and Bowel Prep
Do not take regular diabetes tablets the night before procedure
If taking Insulin, take half your normal dose
Whole day of clear fluids
Day of Procedure
Take Bowel Prep in the morning
Monitor your blood sugar levels
If blood sugar is high, take your regular Insulin dose. If blood sugar is normal, take half your regular Insulin dose
If blood sugar is low, drink clear apple juice
Bring your Insulin with you to the clinic