Preparation Timeline - Patients with Diabetes

7 Days to Procedure

  • Stop Iron Tablets

6 Days to Procedure

  • Proceed as normal

5 Days to Procedure

  • Proceed as normal

4 Days to Procedure

  • Proceed as normal

3 Days to Procedure

  • Proceed as normal

2 Days to Procedure

  • No nuts or seeds and take a low residue diet ie no fruit or fibrous vegetables

  • Click here for a list of medications that should be stopped

1 Day to Procedure

  • Clear fluids and Bowel Prep

  • Do not take regular diabetes tablets the night before procedure

  • If taking Insulin, take half your normal dose

  • Whole day of clear fluids

Day of Procedure

  • Take Bowel Prep in the morning

  • Monitor your blood sugar levels

  • If blood sugar is high, take your regular Insulin dose. If blood sugar is normal, take half your regular Insulin dose

  • If blood sugar is low, drink clear apple juice

  • Bring your Insulin with you to the clinic

 The above is a simplified outline for a better understanding of the preparation. Follow this link for the detailed instructions you will need for optimal preparation